Share Your Memories
Share your memories about the house at 11421 Bellflower. Join us in this living history project as we attempt to collect one hundred recollections of daily life on Bellflower Road. Be sure to include the years you lived in or had contact with what is now the Alpha Chi Omega House at 11421 Bellflower Road. Thank you!
From the 1954 EOS (WRU yearbook), section on Sigma Chi. With thanks to the Case Archives.
"The Sigs started the year out with a bang in their new house on Bellflower... the dedication ceremonies were highlighted by a dinner-dance, and the presence of many national dignitaries including President Millis and President Glennan of Case... the social whirl was topped off with the Sweetheart Formal at the Cleveland Hotel, at which auspicious occasion Doris Rini, the chapter sweetheart, was presented a crown of white roses... Dr. Gray, well known to all campus intellectuals, continued by unanimous consent as faculty advisor... the whole chapter lamented the Case decision to end football, since it will put an end to the favorite dinner table conversation about the Thanksgiving classic... acquisition of the new house gave rise to the garret room which the whole chapter adopted for well-known bull sessions..."
"The Sigs started the year out with a bang in their new house on Bellflower... the dedication ceremonies were highlighted by a dinner-dance, and the presence of many national dignitaries including President Millis and President Glennan of Case... the social whirl was topped off with the Sweetheart Formal at the Cleveland Hotel, at which auspicious occasion Doris Rini, the chapter sweetheart, was presented a crown of white roses... Dr. Gray, well known to all campus intellectuals, continued by unanimous consent as faculty advisor... the whole chapter lamented the Case decision to end football, since it will put an end to the favorite dinner table conversation about the Thanksgiving classic... acquisition of the new house gave rise to the garret room which the whole chapter adopted for well-known bull sessions..."
January 29, 2006 |
MTM Exec Board
from a Rush brochure c. 1963. very similar text used again in the 1964-66 version of this brochure. With thanks to the Case Archives.
"'Snowed' means two things to a college man -- the white stuff that falls outside the house, and the academic state of the student. Reserve and Case men can be snowed with tests, homework, or a tough problem. When there's need for study, the Sig House is a refuge from the storm. The house is quiet, more so than the dorm, and has an excellent library. The scholarship room provides an up to date file of back tests and reports.
"When the academic snow has melted, the Sig party room provides adequate space and atmosphere for a good time. The party room was designed by a Reserve architect, wired by Case electrical engineers, and paid for by our alumni. All in all, it must be one of the best-liked party rooms on campus; for it has served as a model for many other fraternity party rooms.
"Not to be outdone by the party room, the brother redecorate their rooms almost yearly per their own tastes. The remainder of the house was entirely repainted this year, and the kitchen was re-equipped only a few years ago. The Twin Sigs are fortunate to have one of the best equipped and maintained houses on campus."