Setting up an Alpha Chi Omega Virtual Alumnae Chapter

To petition to be recognized as an official alumnae chapter of Alpha Chi Omega, you will need

- at least 10 dues-paying members

- 2 officers (President and Treasurer)

- bylaws - see here for sample bylaws, MTM bylaws

Complete the Form A37 "Petition to Become an Alumnae Chapter," and submit the form to National Headquarters along with a copy of your bylaws, a first dues payment ($7 per member), and Form A68 (report of chapter officers). Either cc your Province Alumnae Chair on the email or send a hard copy to her for her signature.

We suggest you communicate regularly with the Alumnae Coordinator at National Headquarters, Megan Houghton She is a great resource and will be the one who prepares your petition for consideration/approval by Alpha Chi Omega's National Council.

...not quite at this point yet? try Recruiting for a Virtual Chapter first.


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