Supporting Zeta Upsilon

We do what we can to help the sisters of Zeta Upsilon have the best possible collegiate sorority experience. Because only a few of our members live in the Cleveland area, much of what we do is long-distance.Zeta Upsilon chapter house, fall '04
Zeta Upsilon chapter house, fall '04

this is our number one priority - exec board has talked at length about ways to encourage the academic and career aspirations of the collegiate (and alumnae) members - some ideas include creating a ceremony to celebrate big personal (academic/leadership) milestones, a career advice network within which alumnae can mentor undergraduates, incentive programs to encourage the chapter as a whole. Look for progress in the coming year!
       alums helped out at Family Weekend, letting parents know that there is life and success after graduation
       good luck on finals - provide study tips, relaxation exercises, and small gifts

       MTM members serve as advisors
       also help recruit advisors for the board

    Domestic Violence Awareness
       co-sponsor an event during DVA week at Case
       encourage the collegians to participate in our Call to Protect philanthropy
       send informative emails to mark DVA month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month

       our collegiate liaison serves as a sounding board for the chapter president
       we send the incoming chapter president a survival kit that includes Roberts Rules of Order, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, a case of her favorite soda, a calling card, a few small gifts and advice from past ZU chapter presidents.

       make sure all ZU alumnae know the dates, times, dress codes for Recruitment and encourage those in the area to help out
       help with pre-recruitment activities, for example mock rush sessions
       help at Recruitment Events - set up, provide food, wash dishes
       long distance support by sending care packages to the chapter, notes, cards and good luck emails
       provide recommendations and other information on potential new members
       provide funding for small extras for the chapter Spirit Sister as well as ideas for morale-boosters that have worked in the past
       send fun Good Luck emails for Greek Week!
       provide food, soda and other extras for Sisterhood Events during Recruitment Week

       each new member receives a small meaningful gift and a letter about Mu Tau Mu
       each semester we send goodies to the house as a "welcome back to school" - cookies from Presti's, pencils.