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Virtual philanthropy project for June 9, 2009

Please take a minute this week to check out an amazing website sharing first-person accounts from domestic violence survivors: Violence Unsilenced

Violence Unsilenced is "Shedding light on the epidemic of domestic violence and sexual assault by giving its survivors a voice." http://www.violenceunsilenced.com [If you have time, please leave a short positive comment for the author of a story or two, thanking her for her bravery in coming forward to share.]

Please support their great work by voting for them in the Most Inspiring Blog category of the 2009 BlogLuxe awards at http://www.socialluxelounge.com/blogluxe/ Currently in second place in the polling, if we work together we know we can make them #1!! You can vote once a day, now through July 6, 2009.

Here are some ways to spread the message:

1. On twitter, post a message like this:

Brave stories from domestic violence survivors http://bit.ly/gSp5u Vote most inspiring http://bit.ly/3BtGkO #axo #charitytuesday

You can also follow @maggiedammit, the amazing woman behind Violence Unsilenced.

2. On facebook, post this link (http://www.violenceunsilenced.com) to your profile, with a note asking friends to vote for them for Most Inspiring Blog by using the blue box in the right column on their website.

3. On email, send a link to this post (http://www.axomtm.org/journal) and ask your friends to participate... or just copy and paste the whole post into your email!

4. On your blog, write a story about Violence Unsilenced, and post a link in the comments section below this post.

Thank you for your interest, and for supporting the great work being done on behalf of domestic violence survivors!

Posted on Monday, June 8, 2009 at 07:29AM by Registered CommenterMTM Exec Board | Comments1 Comment

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Reader Comments (1)

Ohmygosh! Thank you so much for this! I really appreciate you spreading the word, and this is such a lovely detailed account. Thank you, truly, so much.
June 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermaggie, dammit

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