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Support local Alpha Chi Omega chapters in the fight against domestic violence!

Does your chapter have plans to fundraise this fall for domestic violence awareness? Are you holding a public event to raise awareness? We’d like to highlight your efforts. Here are two events that are great examples of using social media to get the word out:

Tau chapter is having an Art Auction November 9, 2006 in Gainesville, Georgia.

* Find out about the event and how you can help (no matter where you live) on the Tau Alumnae Chapter blog post - http://axotaualum.squarespace.com/news-from-campus/2009/7/28/alpha-chi-omega-in-the-fight-against-domestic-violence.html

* RSVP for the event on facebook - http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=102559274623

* Become a fan of Tau chapter on facebook to be invited to future events –


Alpha Chi Couture Fashion Show and Silent Auction is September 25, 2009 in Dallas, Texas.

* Learn more about the event and how you can help at http://www.alphachicouture.com/

* Become a fan of Alpha Chi Couture on facebook –


* Follow @AXCouture on Twitter!!

* Stay tuned - we’ll be highlighting this great event the week of September 21st!

If your group has a domestic violence awareness event planned for 2009-2010, please comment below with the date, name of event and your chapter (please participate even if you don’t have a website, blog or facebook group yet!). Thank you!

Posted on Tuesday, August 4, 2009 at 07:19AM by Registered CommenterMTM Exec Board | Comments1 Comment

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Alpha Nu (University of Missouri) is VERY excited to be hosting a new philanthropy event this year - Dodging Domestic Violence with Alpha Chi Omega, benefiting the Alpha Chi Omega foundation and the Shelter.
Alpha Nu started fundraising early with a silent auction during Mom's weekend that raised over $3,000, and will begin their philanthropy with Kristin's Story on September 28 where we will be distributing awareness pins.
October 5-10 we will hold our philanthropy week, which will begin with a banner competition and King Candidate interviews. The week will continue with a sandal sale from Sseko Designs (http://www.ssekodesigns.com). Participating chapters will display luminaries on October 5, and will serenade Alpha Nu October 7.
A late-night BBQ will be held October 9, sponsored by the Plush Pig BBQ. The dodgeball tournament will be held on October 10 on the University of Missouri campus, where Monster will be handing out samples to participants.

We want to thank our alumnae for their continued support from recruitment to philanthropies and baseball games together! :)

Thank you!

Michelle Hanko
Vice President of Philanthropy
Alpha Chi Omega - Alpha Nu
University of Missouri
September 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle Hanko

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