Behind the Scenes at MTM

This blog is a day-to-day update of what is going on in Mu Tau Mu. Eventually we'll move the older journal entries from our livejournal space but for now to read the archives (entries prior to May 19, 2005), head over to

Things you'll hear about here include notification that new photos or other items are posted on our private website (more about the site is here), more detail on our activities than you see in our month-by-month history blog, news from Case, news from the collegiate chapter, news from Alpha Chi Omega at large, and occasionally fun new ideas on their way to implementation. Links to the private site will take you directly to the item mentioned.

To protect the privacy of our members, only first names will be given.

Entries in domestic violence awareness (34)

Virtual philanthropy project for August 18, 2009

This week, we'd like to introduce you to the Pixel Project:It’s time to stop violence against women. Together.

"The Pixel Project is a global innovative effort to raise funds for Women's Aid Organisation (WAO) Malaysia and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) USA while turbo-charging global awareness about violence against women."

The Pixel Project has the goal of raising $1 million (or more) by creating a 1 million pixel photograph of 6 well-known men who are role models in movement to end domestic violence. For each $1 donation, one of the pixels of the photo will be revealed. All the participants will be kept secret, and a celebrity photographer and a Grammy-winning songwriter have already donated their services to the project. It promises to be an exciting opportunity to use social media to raise awareness and funds to end violence against women!

To participate, become a facebook fan

and follow @PixelProject on Twitter.

You can also check out their blog

and help us spread the word! here's how:

On Twitter, post a tweet like this:

Follow @PixelProject & become a fan on facebook to join their work to end domestic violence #charitytuesday #axo

On facebook, post the Pixel Project page to your profile and/or invite your friends to become fans as well.

On email, share a link to this post!

Thank you for being a part of our weekly Alpha Chi Omega virtual philanthropy project!


Click to Empower Domestic Violence Survivors

This week we encourage all Alpha Chi Omega sisters to learn more about and support Click to Empower. Please participate in their “Click to Empower Campaign.” The organization with the most votes as of September 13, 2009, will get a $100,000 grant!

The goal of Click to Empower is to promote financial independence for domestic violence survivors. We’d like you to make your own decision about which organization to vote for. There are four choices – Charity Cars, Family Justice Centers, Safe Horizon, and YWCA. Once on the site, you can even connect your vote directly to your facebook page!

Click the icon to begin:

Click To Empower. Brought to you by The Allstate Foundation.

Virtual philanthropy project for July 28, 2009

This week, we salute Alpha Chi Omega Foundation’s partnerships with collegiate and alumnae chapters. In July, we’ve highlighted ways in which Alpha Chi Omega Foundation works to end domestic violence. One of the most important ways is featured in this blog post on the ways AXO Foundation works together with local chapters and domestic violence agencies:

Help us spread the word about this great work!

spread the word about the great work we are all helping Alpha Chi Omega Foundation accomplish in the fight to end domestic violence. Here’s how:

1. On Twitter, post a message like this:

Saluting #AXO Foundation & chapters working together to end domestic violence #charitytuesday


Follow a local domestic violence agency on Twitter. See and add to the list: #charitytuesday #AXO

(and follow local shelters on twitter, too!)

2. On facebook,



Post a link to your local domestic violence agency!

3. On email, send a link to this post ( ) and ask your friends to participate!

Thank you!

Saluting Alpha Chi Omega Foundation's Partnerships

A great way the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation fights domestic violence is through the local philanthropic initiative. Through the LPI, funds raised by local chapters go to domestic violence shelters and programs in their communities.

“In 2008-09, we have had over $258,000 gifted by collegiate and alumnae chapters through the Alpha Chi Omega Foundation’s Local Philanthropic Initiatives Fund for domestic violence related organizations across the country.”

Overall it is estimated that “our chapters donate nearly $400,000 a year to local agencies and shelters in various ways.”

This is AMAZING and we would love to hear from YOU how your chapter is helping in the fight against domestic violence.

For example:

Members of Mu Mu alumnae chapter in Kansas City volunteer at and raise money for Rose Brooks Center. Follow @rosebrookskc

Beta Eta collegiate chapter (FSU) @axo_fsu and Epsilon Tau Epsilon alumnae chapter support Refuge House in Tallahassee.

Please add your chapter, your local domestic violence agency (with website and twitter, if available) by commenting below! Thank you!

Posted on Monday, July 27, 2009 at 08:04PM by Registered CommenterMTM Exec Board in , , | Comments4 Comments

Carolyn's Silent Secret

This month we're learning about specific ways Alpha Chi Omega Foundation helps in the fight against domestic violence. Education is a powerful tool, especially in dispelling myths. Do you think domestic violence discriminates on the basis of socio-economic standing? Do you think being wealthy might protect a woman from abuse?

After you watch this video, you'll know the truth:

Join us in supporting Alpha Chi Omega Foundation:

Learn more about Carolyn: