Behind the Scenes at MTM
This blog is a day-to-day update of what is going on in Mu Tau Mu.
Eventually we'll move the older journal entries from our livejournal
space but for now to read the archives (entries prior to May 19, 2005), head over to
Things you'll hear about here include notification that new photos or other items are posted on our private website
(more about the site is here),
more detail on our
activities than you see in our month-by-month history blog, news from
Case, news from the collegiate chapter, news from Alpha Chi Omega at
large, and occasionally fun new ideas on their way to implementation.
Links to the private site will take you directly to the item mentioned.
To protect the privacy of our members, only first names will be given.
Entries in water (1)
Celebrating Back to School at CWRU!
Fall semester at CWRU begins this coming Monday, August 23rd. The Alpha Chi Omega collegians at Zeta Upsilon chapter will kick out the new year with a Sisterhood Retreat on Sunday, August 22nd, and we are proud to provide lunch for that event! Thank you, Maura ZU '87, for organizing the details for the lunch!
To wish the chapter a successful/fun/happy semester, send a note to the house at 11421 Bellflower Rd, Cleveland, OH 44106.
2010-11 is the Year of Water at Case Western Reserve University. Read more about the year long exploration of water at
The start of the new academic year also marks the beginning of a new year for us. Can you believe we are starting our 7th year as an alumnae chapter? We had our first Exec Board meeting of the new year last Sunday and set some great goals for the next 3-5 years. We look forward to sharing more as our preliminary plans come together, and of course, all members are welcome at our Exec meetings, which tentatively will be held on the second Sunday evening of the month at 9pm EST this year.