Behind the Scenes at MTM

This blog is a day-to-day update of what is going on in Mu Tau Mu. Eventually we'll move the older journal entries from our livejournal space but for now to read the archives (entries prior to May 19, 2005), head over to

Things you'll hear about here include notification that new photos or other items are posted on our private website (more about the site is here), more detail on our activities than you see in our month-by-month history blog, news from Case, news from the collegiate chapter, news from Alpha Chi Omega at large, and occasionally fun new ideas on their way to implementation. Links to the private site will take you directly to the item mentioned.

To protect the privacy of our members, only first names will be given.

Entries by MTM Exec Board (410)

Virtual philanthropy project for November 3, 2009

It's a milestone for the Alpha Chi Omega weekly virtual philanthropy project - today marks our 26th week (half a year!) of working together to support and promote the causes we care about. 

We'd like to thank Mu Tau Mu alumnae chapter for hosting our projects each week by shining the spotlight on two of their Domestic Violence Awareness projects - Shop for DVA and Music for DVA. Each of these webpages presents a variety of great items that support and benefit domestic violence shelters and programs. Please check them out and keep them in mind as you make your holiday wish list! They'd also make wonderful gifts for friends, relatives and Alpha Chi sisters.

Then we hope you'll join us to help spread the word 
On Twitter, post a message like this:

Looking for meaningful gifts? Shop for #DVA and make a difference! #AXO #DVA #charitytuesday


What's on your holiday wish list? Why not ask for items that promote #DVA! #AXO #charitytuesday


This holiday season, give a gift that benefits a #DVA shelter or program! #AXO #charitytuesday


On facebook,

use one of the tweets above as your status


post a link directly to Shop for DVA - or Music for DVA - - you can even choose your favorite product to use as the thumbnail photo on your facebook page!

On email, send a link to this post to your friends, family members and Alpha Chi Omega sisters. 

Thank you all for your participation each week and for making a difference for domestic violence awareness! Here's to another successful and meaningful 26 weeks!

P.S. Thank you @craftsquatch (via @mashable) for the cute social media pillow graphics - check out Craftsquatch's Etsy Store

Virtual philanthropy project for October 27, 2009: Ending Domestic Violence Starts with You

This week we ask you to join us in helping Alpha Chi Omega Foundation end domestic violence. Please watch the video below and sign the pledge! Then help us spread the word! Instructions are after the video. (You may have to hover your cursor or mouse over the white space below to see the play button!)


On Twitter, post a message like this:

Ending Domestic Violence Starts with You - sign the pledge today! #AXO #DVA #charitytuesday


Together we can bring hope to women around the world
 #AXO #DVA #charitytuesday


On facebook,

use one of the tweets above as your status


post a link directly to the video

or post the text of the pledge (or a portion of it) with a link to the video

I have the right to be treated with respect.

To know me will be to experience a 
voice that is respectful. 

I recognize that relationship abuse is a problem and commit to stand 
strong in the courage 
of my convictions. I will not be silent. 

I pledge to educate myself and others about the causes and forms of domestic violence. 

I will talk with my friends, family and loved ones about 
healthy relationships. 

I will lead by example and teach that strength, confidence, and worth come from within. On 
the one hand, I will 
inspire. In turn, I will be inspired. 

I commit to helping build a community that does not tolerate violence. 

I acknowledge that all people deserve to live in a 
safe and loving environment. 

I accept the 
challenge to become part of the solution. Ending domestic violence 
starts with me. 

[You can also use the "share video" button on the bottom right of screen to post the video to your blog or to various social media sites!]

On email, send a link to this post, and be sure to share the video and the pledge with your friends, family members and Alpha Chi Omega sisters. 

Thank you all for your participation each week and for making a difference for domestic violence awareness!

P.S. Thank you @craftsquatch (via @mashable) for the cute social media pillow graphics - check out Craftsquatch's Etsy Store


Domestic Violence Awareness Week at CWRU

We're so proud of our Alpha Chi Omega collegians at Case Western Reserve University for their efforts to end domestic violence! In addition to the events below, they'll be hosting their raffle and bake sale – if you can bake please let Jennifer ( know. MTM contributed 5 $15 itunes gift cards for the raffle; lots of local restaurants and vendors have donated gift cards and other goodies too!

Monday 10/26

Self-Defense Class at Thwing 6-8pm

Co-sponsored by the Case Taekwondo Club

Tuesday 10/27

Wear Purple Day (everywhere, all day) – we can all do this!

Sisters will be passing out purple ribbons in KSL (library) and Thwing from 11am-2pm

Wednesday 10/28

Hidden Voices Candlelight Vigil at KSL Oval

Co-sponsored by the University Programming Board

Thursday 10/29

DVA Luminaries at KSL Oval all day

Co-sponsored by Panhellenic Council

Friday 10/30

5th Annual DVA Week Kickball Tournament (evening)

Frieberger Field

If you’d like to send them a note wishing them luck, telling them they rock, or sending some cookies, please write the chapter president at the AXO House (11421 Bellflower, Cleveland, OH 44106).

Official poster:

Virtual philanthropy project for October 20, 2009

This week we salute men who are making a difference in the fight to end domestic violence. Learn more about them and share your favorites we might have missed here. Then help us spread the word! Here's how:

On Twitter, post a message like this:

Saluting Men Working to End Violence Against Women: #DVA #AXO #charitytuesday


Patrick Stewart shares his personal experience with domestic violence #DVA #AXO #charitytuesday


Help us salute men who are making a difference for domestic violence awareness
#DVA #AXO #charitytuesday

On facebook,

use one of the tweets above as your status


post a link to one of the resources in the Saluting Men blog post with a note about how/why you appreciate their efforts:

- Patrick Stewart video on youtube:

- Joe Torre video:

- Jason Witten:

- Founding Fathers

On email, send a link to this post. 

Thanks for your participation and for making a difference for domestic violence awareness!

P.S. Thank you @craftsquatch (via @mashable) for the cute social media pillow graphics - check out Craftsquatch's Etsy Store

Posted on Monday, October 19, 2009 at 07:05PM by Registered CommenterMTM Exec Board | CommentsPost a Comment

Saluting Men Working to End Violence Against Women

We are shining a spotlight this week on men everywhere who are working to end domestic violence.

We salute

- our partners and friends who cannot imagine deliberately hurting another person;

- men who are breaking the cycle of violence after growing up as a witness to it;

- men who work in local law enforcement and those who support their local shelters and agencies;

- actors, sports stars/teams who use their celebrity to promote positive action; and

- programs designed to help men and boys grow and develop in positive ways

We'll share some examples; we encourage you to add your favorites in the comment section below!

At MTM, we've long admired Joe Torre, manager of the LA Dodgers, for his work providing children and teens a safe haven and his bravery in sharing his personal story of growing up in a home with domestic violence. He's featured on our Watch, Listen, See DVA page and we encourage you to check our his charity Margaret's Place. 

We recently discovered actor Patrick Stewart shared his story of growing up with domestic violence with Amnesty International. 

Entire MLB teams get behind the cause, hosting End Domestic Violence days at their ballparks. On July 3rd, 2009, the Washington Nationals partnered with Becky's Fund to Strike Out Domestic Violence. On September 5, 2009, the Cleveland Indians & the Indians Wives Association sponsored a unique in-game auction to raise funds for the Domestic Violence Center

Pro-Bowl Tight End Jason Witten of the Dallas Cowboys is an advocate working with domestic violence shelters and agencies: "Witten started 2008 by launching the Jason Witten SCOREkeepers program, a unique initiative placing full-time, trained male mentors in battered women’s shelters throughout Texas. The mentors seek to demonstrate positive male behavior to the children living in these shelters in an effort to break the cycle of violence that plagues families affected by abuse." 

A few of our favorite programs:

Family Violence Prevention Fund Founding Fathers see especially their Founding Fathers Talk page for videos from Matt Lauer, Russell Simmons, and 8 other celebrity men. See also the FVPF Coaching Boys Into Men initiative, and their Give Respect campaign, in which Alpha Chi Omega is proud to be a partner.

Men's Network Against Domestic Violence is FVPF's partner in Coaching Men Into Boys.