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Virtual philanthropy project for November 3, 2009

It's a milestone for the Alpha Chi Omega weekly virtual philanthropy project - today marks our 26th week (half a year!) of working together to support and promote the causes we care about. 

We'd like to thank Mu Tau Mu alumnae chapter for hosting our projects each week by shining the spotlight on two of their Domestic Violence Awareness projects - Shop for DVA and Music for DVA. Each of these webpages presents a variety of great items that support and benefit domestic violence shelters and programs. Please check them out and keep them in mind as you make your holiday wish list! They'd also make wonderful gifts for friends, relatives and Alpha Chi sisters.

Then we hope you'll join us to help spread the word 
On Twitter, post a message like this:

Looking for meaningful gifts? Shop for #DVA and make a difference! http://ow.ly/yKQl #AXO #DVA #charitytuesday


What's on your holiday wish list? Why not ask for items that promote #DVA! http://ow.ly/yKQl #AXO #charitytuesday


This holiday season, give a gift that benefits a #DVA shelter or program! http://ow.ly/yKQl #AXO #charitytuesday


On facebook,

use one of the tweets above as your status


post a link directly to Shop for DVA - http://axomtm.squarespace.com/shop-for-dva or Music for DVA - http://axomtm.squarespace.com/music-for-dva - you can even choose your favorite product to use as the thumbnail photo on your facebook page!

On email, send a link to this post to your friends, family members and Alpha Chi Omega sisters. 

Thank you all for your participation each week and for making a difference for domestic violence awareness! Here's to another successful and meaningful 26 weeks!

P.S. Thank you @craftsquatch (via @mashable) for the cute social media pillow graphics - check out Craftsquatch's Etsy Store http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6956228

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