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Domestic Violence Awareness Week at CWRU!

News from the collegians at Zeta Upsilon chapter of Alpha Chi Omega. Please comment below or email us axozu25 at gmail if you can help. Thank you!

We are very excited and think this year's Domestic Violence Awareness Week is going to be really successful!! Here is the schedule of events for this year:

Monday, October 25: Self-Defense Class
Tuesday, October 26: Purple Day!
Wednesday, October 27: Hidden Voices/Luminaries
Friday, October 29: Kickball Tournament

As you know, we are always so honored and excited as well as extremely grateful to have the help of our alumnae. I wanted to give you a little bit of information that you could pass on to the rest of MTM.

We will, of course, be having our bake sale this year, from which all of the donations go straight to the
DVC of Cleveland. We would LOVE any donations that alums would like to give in the Baked Goods area. We will be baking a lot ourselves, and will hopefully be getting donations of baked goods from elsewhere, but we couldn't do it without your help!!

Also, we are looking to create more interest in giving donations by having amazing prizes for our Kickball tournament this year and for our Raffle. On this note, I was wondering if you could ask around to see if any of the members of MTM are involved in large corporations where they might be able to get donated gift cards/food/money/etc. for our cause. Connections like that are always really helpful!

Lastly, we LOVE to have our alums at our events. If you would be interested, we would love to get alumnae involved in our Kickball Tournament. It is $50 to register a team of no more than 10. Again, all of the money we make goes straight to the Domestic Violence Center of Cleveland. It is always so exciting to have you guys come to our events! I hope you consider getting a team or a few teams together! If anyone is interested in registering a team, they can e-mail me at ejk35 at case dot edu.

Thank you!!

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